Join us for our
Sunday service at 10:00am
Live streamed at 10:00am on YouTube


Sponsor one of our youth

For the past 4 years, we’ve partnered with Compassion International to support two amazing projects. Our first two years, we got to be the ones to bring to completion the funding for a WaSH program (Water, Sanitation & Hygiene) in Haiti that supported five churches with facilities that brought health to their communities, enabling them to provide care for both their bodies and their souls.

Last year, AND THIS YEAR(!!!!!), we have partnered with Compassion’s Child Survival program in the Philippines (started by someone from Cranbrook Alliance Church!). Through Compassion, a local church is supported to provide care for up to 30 moms and babies starting with prenatal care, through child-birth, and on into childhood. It takes about $15,000-$20,000 to make this project happen yearly, but it changes the lives of an entire community, starting with one child and their mom 🙂 Also, this year we have an online fundraising option that can be sent to family and friends afar, so they can join in sponsoring our youth, and this project.

Now, what do our youth do???

We call it Fast4Them. We don’t eat for 40 whole hours! Starting at 8pm on Friday, April 29, we go without food until Sunday, May 1st at 12 noon, after which we’ll satiate everyone’s appetites with a pancake ‘brunch’ meal. Our REVIVE youth group is meeting as usual (7-9:30pm) on the Friday night to kick things off, but Saturday night, starting at 7pm we’re having a sleep-over ‘lock-in’ event at the church to have fun and support each other through the challenge. The next morning, we’re waking up for some more fun, and to share in the church service what we’re all doing there, serve communion, and some of us will lead the music, help with the media, sound, and streaming tech.

Thank you!

Thanks for joining us in this effort to teach youth how to look beyond themselves, see the world God loves, and engage with it in very real ways with the love and good news of Jesus Christ. Blessings, Pastor Jordan


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