Join us for our
Sunday service at 10:00am
Live streamed at 10:00am on YouTube

One Day

Open to ALL incoming 3rd – 7th grade kids (not just CAC kids…invite friends!), this one day conference will be 12 hours of excitement, 12 hours of Jesus, and 12 hours of EXTREME FUN! There will be worship, speakers, small group discussion time, snacks, lunch & dinner, afternoon activities, a bonfire, friends, cool leaders, and a ton of fun memories! AND IT’S ONLY $30!

What to bring:

  • Shoes you can run in (wear or bring)
  • Hat & Water bottle
  • Bible 
  • Swimsuit or Change of clothes & towel
  • Energy, excitement & YOU 🙂

Registration available in the church office or online:

More info? Contact Kristy


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