Kristy Hurrell – Children’s Ministry Coordinator
Sarah Searle – Admin. Assistant Children’s Ministry
Jen Siewert – Administrative Supervisor
Grant McDowell – Lead Pastor
Ken DeJong – Events & Building Use Coordinator
Jordan Culp – Pastor of Young Adults and Worship

Lead Pastor
Many of Grant’s treasured memories include family camping trips. In fact, his favourite places are the mountains where he enjoys hiking. He has been a pastor for more than 33 years, and is continually amazed at the passionate, loving, creative people he has the privilege of leading. Grant enjoys people of all ages and likes listening to the hopes and dreams of younger people. Inspiring and equipping them toward being all that God created, called, and gifted them to be gives him deep joy. He likes expressing his thoughts about faith and life through writing, speaking, and conversation. He and his wife Donna have three grown children. Grant earned a Doctor of Ministry degree at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, and has self-published two books: Bruised Knuckles and Other Lessons in Faith – reflections on reality from a mentor’s heart, and Please God, Let There Be Another Boom – faith and hope at work in lean times and good times. Because he considers each day a gift, he regards today as the best day of his life.

Associate Pastor of Worship & Young Adults
The first 18 years of Jordan’s life were spent in southern Ontario, before he flew off to college in Alberta and never looked back. He attended Prairie Bible College earning a BA in Youth Ministry, and many calloused fingers from playing guitar, bass, piano, and drums. Jordan has a love of music, sports, and the great outdoors, but more importantly a love for the God who fashioned his gorgeous wife, Rachael, and four children, Eowyn, Judah, Aaron, Hadassa and Aria. He doesn’t have many accolades to his name except that he’s won a girl’s heart, is chasing after a God who loves him fiercely, and is using what he’s been given the best way he knows how. Feeding him pie is the best way to get anything out of him, and good coffee is the only way to wash that pie down.

Children’s Ministry Coordinator
Kristy was born and raised in Cranbrook, has attended Cranbrook Alliance all her life and joined the staff team in the summer of 2017. She has always had a heart for kids, but it wasn’t until a missions trip to the Philippines in high school that she really saw and understood the impact of showing Jesus to kids simply by building relationships with and loving them could have. Since then, Kristy has been intentionally and joyfully introducing kids to who Jesus is and how much he loves them – simply for who they are. Feeling this is where God was leading her, Kristy’s creative mind and love for all things fun and chaotic have found the perfect outlet in leading children’s ministry. Outside of teaching and loving on kids, she enjoys spending time in the Community Forest, hanging out with her family, sitting in the sun with a good book, and taking unplanned road trips.

Administrative Supervisor
Jen joined the office staff team in 2006 and she finds great joy in serving the Cranbrook Alliance Church family. Jen, and her husband Dean, together with their two children enjoy life in the Kootenays, marveling at God’s amazing creation and walking through life with family and friends.