Join us for our
Sunday service at 10:00am
Live streamed at 10:00am on YouTube

Change Maker

Calling all women who are looking to see CHANGE in SOME place in their life – and want to listen and learn how that can be done thru choices based on a relationship with JESUS CHRIST!!

Ladies, I have been a woman who has leaned too heavily on using my BRAIN to create CHANGE in me – and yet what GOD graciously has revealed to me recently? IS THAT CAN ONLY GET you so FAR! The deepest CHANGE comes from the DEEPEST truth that only a life with Jesus Christ can get you to ‘”see” again….”hear” again…”rise” again…and truly LIVE again!”…And if that resonates with you?  I am inviting you to come to an event to hear other women SHARE how their ONE CHOICE to believe in JESUS, and choose to obey HIS truths, have truly changed THEM from the inside out!  I am super pumped to have you hear their stories, for GOD’S GLORY. 

So please come! Join us APRIL 5th, 9 am – 1pm, for a morning of worship, snacks, stories and SHARING how ‘DARING” to live a life full of JESUS CHRIST, and the choices that brings, has been MOST IMPACTFUL thing they have ever done!

Come ready to listen…., learn …and HAVE FUN! Please RSVP in advance online here or by contacting the church office 250-489-4704. Admission by donation towards the upcoming Pregnancy Care Center in Cranbook, BC. 

Hope to you see you there!