We’re kicking off youth group this year at Idlewild Park. Whether you’re in middle school or high school, if you’re healthy and able to, come join us there from 7pm-9pm for capture the flag, a fire and food, and for all the details on the coming year (Lord willing)!
Some of those details include making room for more students by having a separate night for grades 7-9, with a brand new name, but the same old time! And a brand new time, but the same old name for our high school students. Next Friday (the 25th), from 7-9pm REVIVE is happening for everyone grades 10-12. The following Tuesday (the 29th), PURSUIT is rocking their first night solo at the usual time!
***If youth group isn’t looking like a possibility for you this year, because of COVID related circumstances, I’d love to hear from you, as we consider ways to incorporate and engage anyone who can’t come in person. ***