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Sunday service at 10:00am
Live streamed at 10:00am on YouTube

April 27, 2021 – Camp Quest 2021 has been cancelled in light of the travel and large group gathering restrictions in place to stop the spread of COVID-19. While this was sad news to hear for our team as everyone was looking forward to spending the week connecting with, teaching and encouraging your kids and each other, we understand and agree with the decision.

Our theme this year was going to be “Recharge” with a focus on Matthew 11:28. I want to encourage each of your families as we’re into a second year of pandemic life filled with constant change and the need to adjust that the Lord desires to walk through this with us. He doesn’t want us to live a life weighed down by a lack of hope or joy or feel like the weight of the world is on our shoulders. In the message version of this verse, it says “Come to me….I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me.” At camp this year, we were going to focus on helping your kids understand that God is just waiting for us to come to him in our exhaustion and frustration. Our goal was, by the end of the week, to better be able to hold onto the promise of rest and refreshment that comes from walking through each day with Christ and hold onto the truth that life with him can truly be free and light – not weighed down by things of the world.

So yes, there’s definitely sadness and disappointment at not being able to hold a camp again this year but even as this hasn’t gone the way we’ve been praying for, we can still be refreshed and recharged each day by walking through this season with the Lord by our side to help with any burdens we’re carrying.

Be blessed as you navigate this ever-changing season and keep your eyes on Jesus!

Kristy Hurrell
Children’s Ministry Coordinator