Join us for our
Sunday service at 10:00am
Live streamed at 10:00am on YouTube

Prayer requests may be made through prayer cards Sunday mornings and anytime thru the prayer chain or by email.

Prayer cards are available at the church office and are located above the offering boxes in the Sanctuary and by Common Grounds Cafe.

Prayer Chain

You may also request prayer through our 24/7 Prayer Chain, by calling or texting local 778-761-3401. These requests are confidential and not published unless requested.

Sunday Morning Pre-Service Prayer Group

Sundays @ 9:30am in the North Star Room

Do you have a heart for prayer? Looking for a ministry with a flexible schedule? Why not come and pray before the service on Sunday mornings when you’re available?

What do we pray for? We pray for you, we pray over the building and those entering, we pray for our pastors, we pray for the worship team, we pray for the children’s ministries, we pray for the youth, we pray for upcoming events, we pray for more of the anointing of the Spirit and unity, we pray for healing for the body, we pray that while we are gathered we will have hearts turned towards the Lord, we pray for one another, and whatever else comes up.

If you’d like to add your name to the email list to receive the Saturday prayer email to get you started the night before please contact Shauna using the below form. We are a diverse and dynamic church and we’d love to see that represented Sunday mornings in prayer. ALL are welcome.

Prayer Room

We have a 24/7 access prayer room available for group and individual use. Please contact the above prayer chain number or the church office for the access code.

Send us your prayer request: