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Sunday service at 10:00am
Live streamed at 10:00am on YouTube
Heart to Heart

Heart to Heart is a ministry for women of all ages. It provides a great venue to bring friends to and also to make new friends. Everyone is welcome!

We every other month, 7:00pm on a Thursday. Each evening consists of: A woman telling her story about how God is working in her life. Singing together in worship. Skits, poems, monologues and games. An opportunity to give to local and foreign projects (often with a focus on women or children)

The goals of Heart to Heart are: Provide women with an opportunity to connect with other women. Encourage and support women in their journey of faith. Introduce women who have not pursued a relationship with Jesus to consider starting their own journey of faith. Encourage women to reach out and influence others.

Dates for Heart to Heart 2024/25:

  • October 24
  • February 27, 2025
  • May 22